Sunday, October 18, 2009

Grade 6 Retreat

This week was such a fun weeek. We had only 2 days of school and the rest was the retreat. On Monday we had fun activities and it's just a normal day. And on Tuesday I was really happy because the next day will be the retreat day. I had to pack-up my clothes on that day. I also had soccer on Tuesday. It was very fun. I was exceedingly not patient to go to Lembah Hijau. Below are 3 paragraphs about the retreat. The 1st paragraph is about the fun things I liked about the retreat. The 2nd paragraph is about the things I learned in the retreat. And the last paragraph is about who I influenced.

On Wednesday, grade 6 had a retreat to Puncak, Lembah Hijau. The trip was only for 2 nights. It wasn't so long. We departed on Wednesday and returned on Friday. There were a lot of activities we did in our retreat. There were 6 sessions in our retreat. What we do in our sessions is that we praise and worship God, and we also hear the knowleadge about Christ from Mr. Rob. I enjoyed many things in the retreat. I really enjoyed the talent night. It was such a voluminous surprise when my teacher, Mr. P, danced at the show. He was exceedingly great. He's a pro at dancing. He was also immensely great at being a host. I also enjoyed swimming at Lembah Hijau. The water was profoundly cold. I was freezing when I swam. Even though it was cold I still enjoyed it. When we were about to finish swimming, there was a great, daft rain. It was exceedingly deranged. So, we have to run in the rain to our bungalows. I didn't actually run because I enjoyed the rain. It was so cold, I loved it. The last thing I enjoyed was sports activities. I played badminton in the sports activity. I played with everyone of them and they all couldn't beat me. I'm serious! I played with the supervisor, pak Wisnu. He's an adult, so he has a really strong power. I gave him some net ball and he couldn't hit the shuttlecock back to me. It was his weakness.

What I learned in the retreat is that God is an awesome God. I learned that God is wonderful. Our retreat shirt has a picture of an anchor and the verse Hebrews 6:19a. The anchor symbolizes that God is our anchor. I learned that we must be patient. We must also have faith in our Lord, God. I learned that we cannot put our trust or faith or hope in anything else instead of God. We cannot give up. I learned that God is our anchor, everybodie's anchor. He helps us where ever we are. God is all powerful, God has always lived, God is everywhere, God has no sin, and that God loves me, and you. I learn that we must tell the gospel. And to share the gospel or good news, we, oursleves must be good news. We must give good example. I learned that God always forgive our sins. But, God doesn't want us to do the sin again.

At school we must influence 3 people at least. It can be anytime. I influenced 3 people that is Hans, Michael, and Alden. I influence Hans to be more closer to God. What I did is, i gave Hans a magazine about God and wisdom. I bought the magazine at my church. I influence Michael so that he won't say bad languages. I told Michael not to say the words. For Alden, I influence him so that he could get closer to God. I gave some good examples, like saying praise the Lord, and other statements that refers to God.
To conclude, I really enjoyed the retreat. God touched my heart so that an turn back to Him. I learned many thing throughout the retreat. I really enjoyed the sessions we had. We can praise the Lord and also hear his words. It was such fun! The activities was also realle great. I will never forget this retreat!

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