Sunday, October 25, 2009

Alex Rider: SCORPIA Summary

The siberian tiger walked to Alex with his shining claws as shining as a star. Alex was exceedingly petrified as a young boy a horror movie. At the desk there was an remote control, but Alex didn't mind. Alex right away jumped to the desk and crouch under it. The siberian tiger jumped on top of the desk. Alex was as horrified as the citizens who were about to get hit by the eiffel tower (in the movie GI Joe). The siberian tiger was shouting and screaming, "I'm gonna eat you English boy!" when he jumped to the desk. Then someone came. He quickly grabbed the remote on the desk and used it. Suddenly the tiger went to sleep again. Alex fought with the man because the man didn't recognize Alex. Finally Alex was kicked out, out of the enormous palace. The man was a dinosaur when he kicked Alex out of the palace. Alex felt as mournful as a man who had lost his parents. Alex felt sullen because he couldn't know more about Scorpia, and that he was hurt badly, he was not wearing any sandals or shoes, and Alex doesn't know what to do now. So he went to the train station to get back to London. There, he met Tom and told Tom what had happened after all. Alex went with Tom to depart to Naples to meet Tom's brother. When they arrived, Alex and Tom went to Tom's brother's house, his brother is Jerry. Alex told Jerry that he was a spy. Then Alex wanted to proceed to Consanto Enterprises. He saw the name on the desk where he fought with the tiger. The next morning, Jerry send Alex to Consanto Enterprises. There were alarms and CCTV cameras all over the place. So, Alex had to do BASE jump from the other side to Consanto Enterprises. We actually must learn BASE jump first before we do it. Jerry gave Alex all the equipments needed to do a BASE jump. Alex was inordinately scared as a man who was dropped from a cliff. Alex was a still statue when Alex jump. Alex was safe! If he missed the landing, Alex would die. Even though he was safe, all the equipments were destroyed. He didn't do a really great job on the landing part.

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