Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week 5 Reflection

Last week was a such a daft week. There were copious of homework. There were Math homework, English homework, Bahasa homework, and UOI homework. Last week our assignment are due. The assignment is about conception to birth. We have to explain the details of us inside our mother's womb. From 1-9 months. First I made the draft. It wasn't really good. Then I made the final draft last week. I made it in a booklet. Instead of homework, I got sick for 2 days. I got fever. I didn't go to to school on Monday and Tuesday. I got plethora of homework. I was inordinately sullen because I don't understand how to do my homework. Fortunately my teacher emailed me about the homework. I was exceedingly ecstatic. Even though last week I got many homework, it's still exciting.

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