Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Making a Cell

In school we are learning about cells, there are 3 different kinds of cells. There is animal cell, plant cell, and prokarytiotic cell. Our teacher told us to make one of those cell. I chose to make a animal cell. We have to make a cell that is edible. We cannot make it using other stuff. The following are the things I used to make a animal cell:

  • Orange skin: Cell Membrane

  • Grape: Nucleus

  • Chocolate: Golgi Apparatus

  • Fruit snacks: Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

  • Sweets: Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

  • Grape skin: Mitochondria

  • Orange: Cytoplasm

  • Candies: Peroxisome and Lysosome

The following are informations about these organelles:

  • Nucleus: DNA replication and transcription of RNA

  • Cell Membrane: Boundary for entry and eit of nutrients and we can find important enzyme activity there

  • Golgi Apparatus: It's the place where it seperates the waste

  • Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: The place where transports liquid and nutrients

  • Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: Surface which ribosomes bind for protein synthesis

  • Mitochondria: Site of energy metabolism and synthesis of high-energy ATP

  • Cytoplasm: Provides shape to cell; region where many metabolic reactions occur

  • Peroxisome and Lysosome: Oxidative metabolism of nutrients using oxygen to generate water. Metabolism of materials ingested by endocytosis

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