Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ERL Summary: Alex Rider: POINT BLANK

In the last 2 weeks, i've been reading a book called POINT BLANK.

Now, Alex is already in Point Blank school for three weeks. Alex had made friends with james. One day, Alex and James went skiing. Alex used his ski suit that is highly insulted and bulletproof. His goggles can see as far as 20 yards. When they we're skiing, they accidentally fell down. The guards of Point Blank took Alex and James back to their room. When Alex got back, the 2 guards locked Alex in his room. Alex took his gadget that is a discman. He played a beethoven song and the discman turned into a automatic saw. Alex sawed the window of his room and got out skiing again. Dr. Hugo was watching Alex. It was already 3' o clock at the morning! Alex is as agile as Flash.

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