Sunday, August 30, 2009


This week I read an Alex Rider adventure book. I finished the whole book. The book was very cool. The following is the summary of the exciting pages I read last week:

One day, Alex went to Dr. Hugo's office. He saw Dr. Hugo's assisstance shot by him. Alex spied on Dr. Hugo. Alex went through Dr. Hugo's file and now he know that Dr. Hugo is a senile man because Dr. Hugo is the guy who killed Michael. J Roscoe, the tenth richest man in the world. Dr. Hugo is as mean as a lion. He's a assassin. Alex was very jubilant because his job is done. He knew who Dr. Hugo is. Alex went ot his room and took his gadget that is a discman. If he press fast forward three times, MI6 will come help him. So he did. When he was waiting MI6 to come Dr. Hugo told the whole school that Alex was a spy. Alex knew what that means. It means that Dr. Hugo will kill Alex. When the guards was chasing Alex, Wolf, a spy from MI6 came, Alex was exceedingly elated. Alex took his earpiece amd it turned into a mini grenade and Alex threw it to the guards. Wolf helped by shooting the guards using hi-teched bow. Finally they got Dr. Hugo and he was caught and dealed by MI6. MI6 is uncharacteristically proud of Alex Rider. This story book is almost the same like the James Bond's movies.

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