Saturday, November 21, 2009


Chapter 3

Chapter 3 of Do Hard Things is a really good chapter. But sometimes i don't unsertand some phrases and i have to re-read it. Some of the parts in chapter 3 is boring, example is page 26-28. It is boring for me. There are some opinions i have for this chapter. One of them is in page 26, the first question in the first paragraph, it says,"Do you know anyone who owns a elephant?" Actually there's no problem to say that but it's weird for me. The next opinion is on page 28, the second paragraph. It says about dreaming to own an elephant, I have a question for that, is an elephant expensive, what's the price of one elephant?

My next question is on, still, page 28, 3rd paragraph where it says about attaching a ropw to a wooden post and the other end on the elephant's right hind leg. Why must it be the right hind leg. On page 29 also says about having MySpace or Facebook. What about the people that doesn't have facebook? I have more questions but I'll just comment on one more. On page 41, paragraph 3. That is unappropriate for me.

I feel that chapter 3 is a really good chapter. Especially when it talks about 3 kids, George, David, and Clara. The story was really cool when a teen could do impossible things. I feel that this book is helping us in many kinds of ways. But in Indonesia, everything else is defferent. On page 38, paragraph 2, it says what preteens are expected to do. One of them is clean your room every week, in Indonesia we have maids.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 has many inputs on a better way. The subtitle was quite weird, not really on topic. Even though, the inputs are exceedingly useful for our lifes. It also talks about the future. The future is really bright but God can come anytime. So from this point on, we must trust in God, have faith, etc. In some of the pages, it says things. In school, we're taught not to say things too much because it's not good.

I feel that this chapter is good. It supports us to really do hard things. It makes us more confident and have a stronger faith in christ.

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