Sunday, November 15, 2009


Chapter 1

I felt quite bored at the first chapter. There wasn’t anything I liked in this novel. The first chapter is full of boring pages (in my point of view.) But they are exceedingly wise for us to apply in our lives. After I read this chapter I felt that these 2 boys are exceedingly wise. I feel that God wants us to take a stand in trying new, impossible things. I feel these twins are inordinately blessed by God. I feel that now a day teenagers are profoundly wrong. They are supposed to take a stand and not take drugs.

What I dislike about this chapter is that it’s quite boring for me. Instead of that, there is nothing else bad about this book. The good thing I like about his chapter is that it gives us great wisdom about what teens should be in their perspective. One of the wisdom they gave us is that we must take stand. This book tells us to try impossible things. The twins can prove that they can do it in a young age. These twins have been having conferences with parents at the US. They already can do this in still a very young age. I like this chapter because they give examples like monks. Monks always choose the hardest decision even though they don’t like it. This chapter tells us to step out of our comfort zones and start to do really hard things.

Chapter 2

I felt not bored in this chapter because it’s getting better than the 1st chapter. I felt that God is forcing us to take a stand. I feel that I must change into a better young adult like these guys. I feel that having a blog after all isn’t so bad. I felt that I will make a new blog that tells God’s word and there will be so many comments. Then, I can get them to help me make a book. I feel that we are honoring God every day, in everything we do. For the bad thing, I felt that I’m lazy to make a book. But with God, nothing is impossible.

The bad point about this chapter is that they talked about pressure in one of the pages. Sometimes when teens go to pressure, they think of suicide, drugs, alcohol, and other bad stuff. This chapter should be alert to tell in the chapter about not doing these kinds of things when facing pressure. The good point of this chapter is that they are forcing us to change. They made a blog called rebelution. The combination of rebel and revolution. This chapter tells us that God is always with us. God helps us in every situation we are in. Even though it’s impossible, God will still be with us.

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