Monday, January 18, 2010

Alex Rider Series: EAGLE STRIKE

A new year, a new book, this year's book is the same series like the one I read last year. Its the Alex Rider series, and it seems to be my favorite book series. this book is even more explosive and more thrilling than the one before. This book will grip you with suspense, daring and cheek. Prepare for action scenes as fast as a movie.

It all started in the South of France. The reluctant MI6 agent, Alex Rider had a beautiful relaxing day in the beach tanning and sweating because of the brightness of the morning Sun. Beside ALex was his friend which is a female named Sabina

pleasure. In the middle of a beautiful sunny day, a Russian contract killer, Yassen Gregorovich was standing in a luxurious, white yacht. Yassen was with his 3 men and Alex knew he was the man who killed his uncle. So Alex followed him and and he knocked out one of Yassen's men. Yassen saw him and cuffed Alex's hand with power. Yassen wanted to kill him but he decided to throw Alec to a bull fight. Alex succeeded the fight and Yassen and his men went away.

The next morning, Alex and Sabina took a walk and in no minute, a bomb had exploded in Alex's hotel. Sabina's mother was fina but Sabina's father wasn't fine. In another hand, Sabina's father is a journalist. Alex went inside the ruined hotel and he saw a piece of Sabina's father's work and it talks something about Damian Cray's secret meeting. Alex was exceedingly curious and he's forced to ask MI6 for questions about Damian Cray. Smithers, the gadget-provider gave Alex a bicycle for his mission. Bike pump-smokescreen, headlamp-magnesium flare, handlebar-missile ejection, trailrider jersey-bulleetproof, and magnetic bicycle clips. Damian Cray had just released a new video game and Alex will be the first one to try it!

Recounting Jakarta Post Article

Jakarta Post Article:
Train hits school bus in Pakistan, 8 Children die
PAKISTAN: Police say a train has hit a school bus at an ungated railroad crossing in Pakistan's east, killing eight children and the bus driver.
Police official Mohammed Farooq says 12 children also were injured in Wednesday's collision near the Punjab province town of Mian Channu. Some of the injured were in serious condition. There were no known casualties on the passenger train.

My Recount of the Article......
In Pakistan, Wednesday near the Punjab province town of Mian Channu, a tragdey exceedingly bad had occured. Pakistan police said,"A train had collided with a school bus and 8 children died including the driver. This happened because the railroad wasn't closed crossing in Pakistan's East".
A high official policeman, Mohammed Farooq says,"12 children are badly injured in Wednesday's collision, location near the province town of Mian Channu. The positive fact is that there were no one who were hurt, injured, or died in the train".
This world is immensely dangerous and we all must be careful. We cannot underestimate anything because everything we do in Earth is to glorify God. Our job on Earth is to get souls for God. We must not be selfish because people have the rights to save their souls.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Where we are in Place and Time

The first week of school and we were given right away The NIGHTMARE!!! It's our new unit which is titled Where we are in Place and Time. This brand new clean unit is focusing on 3 things which i will tell you right away:

  1. Past Civilizations

  2. What contributions have impacted later times

  3. The influences of past civilizations on the host country

Those are what we will be focusing on this new unit. We will learn about ancient Rome and a country we choose. Later on, we will make a report of what these 2 countries relate to My Country, which is INDONESIA.
Our Key concepts are:

  1. Causation

  2. Change

  3. Connection

In every unit we have a central idea so it can help us easier to understand the unit deeper and also to give a short, broad explanation about the unit. Our unit's central idea is:

Past civilizations have made contributions to our present day societies

We covered some of the tasks we are expexcted to do in this unit. One of them is the poster we must do with our partner. I did mines with Jason and it's about the ancient Hittites. There aren't much info on Hittites but they have a very special character. The other tasks we haven't do is still not due today or tomorrow but next week, and some are due next 2 weeks, and some are due next 3 weeks and so on.

What's most important is TIME MANAGEMENT

a Dream to Be........

Time passes by exceedingly fast, as fast as a cheetah who is eager to have his prey for his meal. Well I've pass a very tough, hardcore year, 2009. But we've started a new year where we can reflect about what we did in 2009 and we leave the bad behaviors we did in 2009 and start a brand new, clean, unpredictable year, 2010. It's called a Happy New Year, so it means that the new year were facing, we must still be happy. Even though we have a lot of homework and summative, we must be grateful because there are thousands of people out there who are eager to have education.

In this new year, I have a dream to be someone. Not like I want to be someone like Johnny Depp. But be someone in the inside. To be a person in the inside. Well, I have a dream to be a person who is clean and also wise. Why? Because, for me, Wisdom is immensely important and I can give evidence to you by giving a verse from the Bible that supports it.
Proverbs 24:5
A wise man has great power and a man of knowledge increases strength.

So why don't you know be grateful because God has given you a new year. Ans why don't you start to reflect on your behaviors in 2009 and start throwing your bad behaviors to the bin and you'll have a new heart for 2010 and with your new heart you can go up to the mountain of God with God.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

About Unit 3 - Human Rights & Social Justice

Our third unit has showed up in front of my eyes. It's titled "How We Organize Ourselves". This unit is not about how to organize our clothes, or our bed, and etc, it's about social justice and human rights. It's about how the organization help them and everything else about organization. If you don't know what human rights and social justice means, i'll tell you. Social justice means the fairness or law for everyone in the world. Human rights means the basic rights and freedom for all human to have. Our massive summative task is to make an organization with our group. My group is filled with 4 (including me) strong big men, Dennis, Philip, and Antonio. Our group must make an organization, we'll sell brochures and give our best power point presentation. Our group must accomplish these points:

  • Name for our organization

  • Developed vision and mission

  • Values statement

  • Organization's structure

  • How it is Financed

  • Our target

  • The activities to help the target

  • Resources needed to help the target

  • Pictures

This task has been flying around my brain which creates a topic which makes me exceeedingly curious of what to do about it. The one topic is child soldiers. My organization is focusing on reducing child soldiers. We (as in the memebers of the organization) feels really sorry for the kids in Latin America, Iraq, Iran, Greece, Turkey,United Kingdom, Sri Lanka, Burma, Phillipines, Indonesia, Singapore, and Africa. The kids their are being treated not well, they have been in the army. The kids there are not educated and that they treat a gun as their toy. The International Alliance helps to reduce this issue. We will make a video of why we should stop child soldier.

There was also a distraction on the way to accomplishing our organization. It wasn't exactly a distraction but a task that is also due. The genesis of this unit was started by a field trip to a Non-Governmental organization. My NGO is called YSKK that stands for Yayasan Sosial Karya Kasih. YSKK helps the elders and also uneducated childrens. We had to take notes in our field trips because we'll make a report about the NGO we went to. Then our group must make a power point presentation. Our group must share to the class of what we learned and what we got in the field trip. The field trip was really useful for us because we'll need some of the information to complete our summative task.

Before we started our unit, we had 3 Deep Thought Provoking Questions or the Ib call it Lines of Inquiry. Our school made 3 of its own for our unit right now. We, as in 6B, must make our own Lines of Inquiry. I have 3 new lines of inquiry which is:

  1. Does Indonesia do something to help the child soldiers in the whole world? How?

  2. The Government system and structure in Africa

  3. Crisis prevention and recovery in Africa

Do Hard Things-Chapter 5-That First Scary Step

Chapter 5

TS The Bible verses used in this chapter are 3 Bible verses. One of them is 2 Timothy 1:7; it says “God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline” (NIV). SS That verse means that we have to use the spirits god give us. It also says that the bad spirits doesn’t come from God, but from the devil. The second Bible verse is in Hebrews 11:6. It says that “Without faith it is impossible to please God”. SS That verse means that we must have a strong faith, relationship with God. And it also means that without faith, we can’t please Him. EX. For example William Wilberforce, he had a really strong faith that he spoke to all people in the ship about God. William wasn’t afraid because he had a really strong faith in God. The third Bible verse is Proverbs 24:16. It says, for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by the calamity. SS That verse means that we must be righteous and not wicked. If we are righteous, even though we fail, we still can rise again.

1st Zone

TS One of the zones is that God works through our weaknesses to accomplish His plans. SS This means that God not only use the best, smartest, etc, but God uses everybody. God works his big plan from our weaknesses. There are many examples of people who God used from their weaknesses; one of them is Smith Wigglesworth. EX. Smith wasn’t a smart student when he was young. Smith started to read until he was an adult. That looks impossible for God to use because what can Smith do? But with God, nothing is impossible. Now, Smith is one of the best Evangelists in England. Smith has lead thousands of people to Christ. 2nd example is Karen Kovaka. Karen was really afraid to talk to other people and always cries if she shook a stranger’s hand. She never comes out underneath her bed because she’s too shy. Now Karen, the shy girl, is already a Community for Christ. She tells people how to overcome her fears.

2nd Zone

TS One of the zones the twins are describing is Courage is Not the Absence of Fear.
SS This means that we cannot let fear take over us. We must beat our fears to grow and learn for the rest of our lives. There are 2 examples of a story of beating our fears. EX. Betsy was in a cafeteria. There she heard her friends talking about pregnancy. God wants Betsy to reach out to her but Betsy was afraid. Finally she regrets what the Lord had said to her. Another story is Grace. Grace wanted to tell the gospel to everyone she met in the park, she already promised God. But when she saw many workers in the park, Grace was afraid. But Grace still talk to the workers and she could enjoy lemonade with them.

3rd Zone

TS This last zone is brought up with a title or main point which is You Can’t Get to Success Without Risking Failure. SS It means that it can’t be successful all the time. Like winning, we like winning but we can’t always win. I’ll give you an example of a boy who never gives up but finally ended up in successful. 14 year old Caleb made his bedroom a music room. He practiced using all the equipments about 70 times and failed. But now he already can use all the equipments and he and his friends have made 2 songs made in 3 months.

TS My life could look different if God overcame my fears. There are many ways I can to explain in more details. It can be different because I wouldn’t be afraid to preach. If I’m not afraid to preach, I could be a young priest. I have an example of this discussion. EX. There is a young kid in the NTT (Nusa Tenggara Timor) who is already preaching many people In the village. He is still 10 years old. I could look weird because I would preach adults and adults will learn from a kid.

TS My life would be different because if I maximize myself I could be famous. I could be famous because maybe I could be in a military when I’m still 11 years old. If I step out from my comfort zones, I could be rich and maybe I won’t be in Jakarta and Mr. P will be able to see me in the TV or hear my voice in the radio. I could rarely go to school due to the works I have for the job I’m doing. It could be different because I would be like an adult doing adult stuff. Even though I’m still a kid, I could be in big meetings. I could also meet famous people and the president if possible.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Chapter 3

Chapter 3 of Do Hard Things is a really good chapter. But sometimes i don't unsertand some phrases and i have to re-read it. Some of the parts in chapter 3 is boring, example is page 26-28. It is boring for me. There are some opinions i have for this chapter. One of them is in page 26, the first question in the first paragraph, it says,"Do you know anyone who owns a elephant?" Actually there's no problem to say that but it's weird for me. The next opinion is on page 28, the second paragraph. It says about dreaming to own an elephant, I have a question for that, is an elephant expensive, what's the price of one elephant?

My next question is on, still, page 28, 3rd paragraph where it says about attaching a ropw to a wooden post and the other end on the elephant's right hind leg. Why must it be the right hind leg. On page 29 also says about having MySpace or Facebook. What about the people that doesn't have facebook? I have more questions but I'll just comment on one more. On page 41, paragraph 3. That is unappropriate for me.

I feel that chapter 3 is a really good chapter. Especially when it talks about 3 kids, George, David, and Clara. The story was really cool when a teen could do impossible things. I feel that this book is helping us in many kinds of ways. But in Indonesia, everything else is defferent. On page 38, paragraph 2, it says what preteens are expected to do. One of them is clean your room every week, in Indonesia we have maids.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 has many inputs on a better way. The subtitle was quite weird, not really on topic. Even though, the inputs are exceedingly useful for our lifes. It also talks about the future. The future is really bright but God can come anytime. So from this point on, we must trust in God, have faith, etc. In some of the pages, it says things. In school, we're taught not to say things too much because it's not good.

I feel that this chapter is good. It supports us to really do hard things. It makes us more confident and have a stronger faith in christ.