Thursday, January 14, 2010

a Dream to Be........

Time passes by exceedingly fast, as fast as a cheetah who is eager to have his prey for his meal. Well I've pass a very tough, hardcore year, 2009. But we've started a new year where we can reflect about what we did in 2009 and we leave the bad behaviors we did in 2009 and start a brand new, clean, unpredictable year, 2010. It's called a Happy New Year, so it means that the new year were facing, we must still be happy. Even though we have a lot of homework and summative, we must be grateful because there are thousands of people out there who are eager to have education.

In this new year, I have a dream to be someone. Not like I want to be someone like Johnny Depp. But be someone in the inside. To be a person in the inside. Well, I have a dream to be a person who is clean and also wise. Why? Because, for me, Wisdom is immensely important and I can give evidence to you by giving a verse from the Bible that supports it.
Proverbs 24:5
A wise man has great power and a man of knowledge increases strength.

So why don't you know be grateful because God has given you a new year. Ans why don't you start to reflect on your behaviors in 2009 and start throwing your bad behaviors to the bin and you'll have a new heart for 2010 and with your new heart you can go up to the mountain of God with God.

1 comment:

  1. Good explanation
    and may God bless you to achieve this goal....
