Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Oral Presentation

Today I will be talking about how technology and sports influence me positively, and how my friends influence me negatively. Technology can be described as machines, tools or resources that help me finish my tasks. One of them is the internet. Sport makes me healthier and makes my body more in shape. One of them is to exercise or play any kinds of sport. Hanging out with wrong friends is exactly like throwing ourselves into a lion's den. Bad friends make me bully others. Next, I will discuss more about technology.

For this first influence, I will explain how technology changes me positively. With technology, life is the same as counting numbers from 1-10. For example, Microsoft Word can make me type up information easily and neatly. Now I will show a picture of modern technology. Microsoft Word is not the only technology that influences me, but also movies. Today many well- known producers do not only create action movies, but also inspirational, spiritual, educational and life-changing movies. Inspirational and life- changing movies change the way I think, and help me to be more optimistic. Spiritual movies strengthen my faith, especially when I am going through many difficulties. Educational movies teach me and shares new knowledge that I can make use of. After this I will talk about how sports influence me positively.

For this second influence, I will talk about how sports influence me positively. Practicing sports makes my body healthier. Any kinds of sport can affect our physical development. For example, if you play basketball, you can grow taller, and become physically fit. Also, playing sports help me become relaxes and relieved because I shake off all my energy and thoughts into the activity I'm doing. One of the many sports that have influenced me is badminton. I like to play and practice badminton with my dad every Saturday. I also have badminton lessons. Playing badminton makes me have fun. Soccer is also another type of sport that shakes off all my thoughts. I like to play soccer, collect soccer jerseys and soccer shoes. I also watch soccer matches on television. Sometimes I play soccer with my cousin. Lastly, I will talk about how my friends influence me negatively.

In this final influence, I will talk about how my friends change me in a negative way. Some of my friends are kind and encouraging. Some of my other friends are mean and likes to say rude words. We have to choose the right friends. Choosing a friend is like a road that goes two ways, one way goes to the right direction while the other goes to the wrong direction. Friends influence me negatively by many ways. First example would be bullying. My friends like to make me bully other people. Second example would be bad languages. My friends teach me inappropriate words, that I must not follow. Now I will conclude this presentation.

To conclude, there are so many things in life that can influence us positively and negatively previously. I described sports and technology as positive influences, and friends as negative influences. As we grow older, we must be wise and cautious in making good decisions, and to avoid bad influences in our life.

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